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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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Have you tried alternatives to music?

Hi Dr Jordan Peterson, I suppose there is no disagreement on the beauty of music, but ever since I've seen your video (1) about how you were not able to listen to music because it was too jarring after your sickness, it reminded me of how I went through the same thing after a huge psychotic episode and a traumatic event whose effects lasted for 2 years or the like, without music. So then, I came across Hamza Yusuf's commentary about Music (2) which uncovered for me a new perspective on Music and thus helped me understand to some degree what the potential reasons behind my new response to Music could be. Also, it helped me "find an alternative" to Music --so to say, that I want to share with you in empathy, as I found the line that you said: "the river dried up" to be heavy on me, and I hope that you find and connect to higher beauty and that your river overflows. Time had it so that when watched Hamza Yusuf's video about Music (2) I realized that perhaps I should "clean my sound room" and reset things, including to --some degree, taste! I started listening to Quran recitations from Al Minshawi, which was very heavy and was overall on a complete different note, a note --mind you, that I did not find pleasant prior. After a few tries, I realized a neutralizing and calming feeling has taken over me such that If I listen to any music, say a ringtone even, I can feel how it "spoils" that sound harmony I had inside after listening to that recitation. Only a few distinct "angelic" sounds and tunes were exempt from this. I could see the effects of music and why it was all of a sudden "jarring". I was more present and felt more presence, and Music kind of took me out of that for a minute, which I found unbearable during those tough times. I'd argue that I perhaps was at a more innocent state within me, one of higher clarity and higher sensitivity --it's very clear how some suffering purifies you of the old wood. Naturally then, Music started to feel to me as if it was just adding more wood to burn. But then, by that measure! any "sounds" that were in alignment with my new internal state, that I did not find jarring, and weren't Music in the traditional sense, were, let's say, more aligned with truth (How do you fit beauty into that I do not know but carrying on). A few recitations a day rendered the sound of birds and wind an invocation of presence never ever have I heard before, although it was all in my face. Now, it could also just be the fact that my nervous system was too fried after my sickness, and that's the only reason I could not pursue more complex Music and there was nothing religious to it, but it could very well be that because of this and because of how my system was trying to exert the least amount of effort possible to recover (so no complex music processing) has allowed me to "clean" my sound room and do away with the old wood to truly discover beauty in its truth. It's an invitation to live through a personal experience of your own choice, maybe just hymns or Acapella, or both and add some Quran in there too, because why not, to restore your river. Cheers, (1): Jordan Peterson on Music: (2): Hamza Yusuf's commentary on Music:

Are we becoming a devouring mother society

Could the movement of western society towards a preoccupation with safety and the prevention of offence, be a consequence of an increased feminine participation in decision making in government and institutions? Could this lead to a “devouring mother” totalitarian state which controls our speech, thoughts and actions in order to protect everyone?

My Dreams of going to hell

I never know how to take a dream if it has meaning or its just nonsense your brain threw together but I have pretty regular dreams that I die and go to hell but there's one that stuck with me and it horrified me. I wanted to get your opinion if dreams actually mean anything or if it's no more reliable then horoscopes. The dream started with me sitting in the middle of my living room on a chair with a gun ive always stuggled with depression and have had moments where i attempted to take my own life so theres another reason it freaked me out, anyway i put it too my chin and then everything flashs and I was falling in darkness I couldn't see any walls the ceiling or anything just Free falling eventually I slam to the ground and looked around at hell it looked Victorian amazing architecture but it was off all the metals were rusted parts of the building missing and this constant feeling of dread kinda like when your a kid running up stairs at night thinking somethings just about to reach out and grab your food. I noticed there was a cloud above me and just me and it started to pour rain on only me no matter where I moved it followed me. I remember seeing something I would say a demon on a wall and it explained that in hell the punishment for suicide is that it will rain on you forever. The thing told me it rains on people in hell who commit suicide because God crys for his children who take their own lives. Its symbolic. I still think about that almost every day. Do you think there's any significance to this?

Australia tour 2022

Can you please include Canberra in your next tour of Australia (or if by some small miracle this year's trip)? While listening to your podcasts and YouTube lectures is a fantastic privilege, it would be awe inspiring to see you speak in person. I live 5 hours drive from either Sydney or Melbourne (tiny village of Uranquinty near Wagga Wagga NSW) and have 5 young children, so a road trip on my own to see you, while being one of my ambitions, would require disruption to my family's life that I don't feel I can ask of them. Canberra is only 2-3 hours drive and more accessible for those living in regional NSW but who love your work and your wisdom.

Beginning of Infinity

Are you familiar with David Deutsch and what did you make of his book ‘the beginning of infinity’? Would love for you to do a podcast episode with him