Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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How do I treat Depersonalisation as a result of childhood trauma?

Hi Jordan. When I was seventeen I lost my mum to breast cancer, which completely changed my life as you can imagine. Ever since then, I've had symptoms of depression, anxiety and also depersonalisation. It was only recently that, after 10 years, three separate medical professionals described my symptoms as PTSD, which really made sense to me. I'm now 30 and doing really well in my job, and I want to heal my issues. How do I go about treating depersonalisation as a result of trauma? Josh from the UK

Reading Great Books

How do you develop reading as a skill? More particularly, if you want to read and effectively comprehend difficult texts, like many of the books on your reading list, how would you recommend someone approaches that? How do you reach a point where you can converse fluently in the ideas you have read about?

S.W.E.A.T. Pledge and Mike Rowe

Have you heard of this? The Pledge is tied to the trade school scholarships his foundation gives away. I would like to hear your thoughts on a quest that Mr. Rowe himself refers to as a Sisyphean endeavor. The true and honest interest in this however is to plant the seed of the idea of a conversation between the two of you. I believe this would be beneficial to both of your causes as you both seem to want to build a better future by building better people.

Contientiousness, anxiety, and introverted-ness

Everything was always done for me when I was a kid. People introduced me to others and I was never expected to talk or entertain, and I never learned the skills. If I was more conscientious, I would be way more skilled and competent by now. My development in skills was constantly interfered with as a kid. The anxiety that I feel about messing up, or making a mistake is so bad that it consumes all my energy and quickly, so that I don’t have any energy left to socialize or to do a good job at whatever I am doing. Am I really an introvert? Or is my social and performance anxiety so terrible that as a coping mechanism I don’t participate to save the energy and effort? Is there really such a thing as an introvert in that regard?

How to show someone how much you care without verbalize it

When you don’t want to lose someone and you want him to know how much you value him but you can not verbalize it neither say it. What to do ?