Ask Me Anything

with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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How can I help my friend?

Someone I'm very close to is struggling with anxiety, an eating disorder, and consequently isn't embracing her potential. She has a neurotic and highly agreeable disposition. How can I best help her to get active and get tough?

Is neuroticism a purely negative trait?

For people who are high in trait neuroticism, what is the utility of this? (utility to them or others, if any)

Is something wrong with me?

Dr. Peterson, Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this, even if it doesn't get answered. I am a happy 29-year-old male, a police dispatcher, have a perfect little boy at the age of 2, and I have a beautiful wife who is an RN that I love dearly. Why does it seem that even though I have everything I need and should have in life, at least culturally and spiritually, I still feel unfulfilled for some reason? I feel as though there is something else out there I should be doing, but I have NO IDEA what that is or could be. My personality traits and sub traits scores from your personality assessment are as follows: AGREEABLENESS: 43rd percentile, COMPASSION: 66th percentile, POLITENESS: 21st CONSCIENTIOUSNESS: 41st percentile, INDUSTRIOUSNESS: 62nd percentile, ORDERLINESS: 25th percentile. EXTRAVERSION: 96th percentile, ENTHUSIASM: 98th percentile, ASSERTIVENESS: 85th percentile, NEUROTICISM: 69th percentile, WITHDRAWAL: 27th percentile, VOLATILITY: 93rd percentile, OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE: 87th percentile, INTELLECT: 96th percentile, OPENNESS: 57th percentile. I love dispatching but feel as though it is not what I was brought into this world to do. I do not have a college education, fortunately, because I did not get the chance to become indoctrinated. Unfortunately, though, it is hard to find your passion whenever you can't even get an opportunity to try due to not having a stupid piece of paper. I feel like going to college would have been a mistake ultimately, given my particular predicament. I am confident that given my background in learning over the years via youtube and other sources, I am better off with the self-made knowledge I have attained over time. Anyways, is there anything you can offer me to help me get some answers from myself on what it is I should be doing that would give me a sense of meaning in the world? Again, thank you so much for everything you've done for this world! You succeeded in at least attempting to make the world a better place than before you were here, and that is all that matters to me! Trying. Hopefully, ignorance does not win in the end.

Dealing with malicious family with a baby on the way

Hi Dr. Peterson, from Kelowna, BC! We have a baby due this month and are dealing with several overbearing and sometimes malicious individuals from both sides of our families. (Mom, father, sister) Is it possible or worthwhile to manage a respectful and healthy relationship with someone inclined towards tyranny and manipulation? Thank you, Loren and Charity K.

How to study

How do you study in general? Not only for exams, but for for yourself overall