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with The Jordan B. Peterson Premium Podcast

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How do I forgive myself?

I made a huge mistake a year ago that almost cost me my relationship but we’re still together today because we love each other and I have changed a lot. I no longer identify with the person I used to be. Now I am more honest and take better care of myself always trying to improve. But I can’t get over and accept that I was a bad person and can’t forgive myself for betraying my loved one with dishonesty and self destruction. Is there a way to redemption? How do I let go, move on and accept the past? Thank you.

Letting go of the past

Hi Dr. Peterson, I just passed a landmark birthday (new decade) and have been reflecting on the last 10 years as I consider who I'd like to become over the next 10. I have a difficult time not dwelling on the mistakes made and opportunities lost. At times, it seems that the backpack full of those rocks just gets heavier with each passing year. Do you have any pragmatic suggestions for letting go of regret and looking forward with hope?

Tariq Ramadan

Would you consider a Podcast with Tariq Ramadan?

the human proclivity toward the extreme.

Dear Dr. JBP. Why do human beings seem to have this proclivity to take things to extremes? I see these over corrections all the time and so I was wondering, do you have a Psychological explanation as to why that seems to happen?

What is the best way to stop the encroaching utopian totalitarianism from rotting the core of our institutions?

What can regular individuals do to help us steer clear of the dangers posed by the collective ideology that’s been rapidly tearing down the values held dear by our great western universities and as a consequence threatening the very foundation of the sovereignty of the individual within our societies. I have often found myself in situations where I knew I should act, or argue against those who pretend to know what evil oppression is stopping them from achieving their “utopia”. Part of me wonders if it’s really worth tarnishing my reputation so that they can twist my words and use me as an example of the oppressor they seek to uproot. I’m often not targeted by their rabid ideology if I say nothing but I can’t help but tell them they are short sighted to think they can know how we can erase our carbon foot-print. I feel I need to express the frustration of seeing students camping inside the buildings of the campus and I know by stating this that I’m revealing where I study (indirectly). I just don’t care anymore, I’m sick of hiding what I believe to be true. On that note, they had signs that said : “occupy (university name)” and signs in red font and dripping contour saying “Justice”. I just cannot keep my cool when faced with these jumbled demands and hobbo looking arrangements. My school has literal Marxists who claim that real communism has never truly been attempted. So yes I am rambling but my question is this; how do I know whether or not it is worth my time to try and debate with individuals who present themselves in such a way? I loved your advice on repeating what others say to their satisfaction, but I wonder as well how I can differentiate between those who will engage in reasonable political dialogue and those who are possessed by ideology. I have no interest in proving I am right and they are wrong, although I know deep down that many people at my school are so lost they don’t want to be found. But how can I, or other students who care about their future prospects and not being canceled before their career has truly started but who alternatively also care about not letting totalitarian thought police rule our every breath, use the least amount of force possible to change the tides of our future? How can I, in my own way, help us avoid the same pits we have fallen into time and time again throughout the 20th century and beyond? I have a feeling I know what to say; or what I want to say. But I can also see how far gone things have gotten and I am afraid of what’s to come if I do not act but also of what can happen to me if I do act. Not that I believe that I can change the world, but I hope to inspire others to no longer be silent when they have something to say; like you’ve inspired me. How do I avoid adding more ammunition to the delusions of possessed ideologues by becoming a pariah? How do you know when the battle is lost? What have you found to be the most helpful in your quest for truth and the promotion of free speech? What’s your best advice in carefully navigating these tremendously important times? I know I need to act to stop staying up at night imagining giving birth to a child in a totalitarian nightmare. I’m just asking your advice on how to go about it as a university student with no established career. I believe this to be the plight of many reasonable students who are just too afraid to say anything. It’s because many of us feel like there is so much to loose if we go against the ideologues; but deep down, I know we have much more to loose if we stand by and let them encroach and dismantle everything that’s made this miraculous society of ours function so well. How do I ensure I go into this with the right mindset so that I can help bring people back into a reasonable political dialogue as you call it? Your further help and advice in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.